Thursday, October 20, 2011

Advantages and disadvantages of a healthy lifestyle

changes. For example, in the exercise that you can say "I don'tfeel I have time" or "I hate exercise." Foreating or less saturated fat than you can say, "I have my food togive preferred "or" There will be many changes in my food preparation. "According to Prochaska, Norcross and DiClemete in his book," Change for Good ", a change to succeed the advantages outweigh the benefits more than thecons.Are the disadvantages? If so, go ahead and startpreparing to change. If the pros are just yourcons, do not despair. This simply means that you need to focus on finding more of the professionals and yourefforts withresponses to the counter to reduce its influence onyou. Be aware of the disadvantages of making a change is really important because they tell you what you need to prepare for.Being prepared for obstacles before finding themwill improve your chances of Junno Psy.D. success.David is a personal trainer and author of the Lower high cholesterol, reduce your risk of heart disease Ready Or Not! a program of e-book to live a healthierlifestyle. You can send an e-mail him at: http://

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