Monday, October 31, 2011

How To Select Correct Internet Money Making Ideas To Make Money Online

Do you want to earn money online? and need money making ideas? You will find hundreds of money making ideas That is available on net. To earn money at home setting up your online business might be a best option for you. You can start your own online business as several millions of individuals making money at home. Numerous money making ideas are there, but you should choose the idea that suits to you. While people are in hurry to start business probably do mistakes.
Most of businesses claims as there is no work involve in order to make money when you use their products or system. People are lazy and look for easy and fast way to make money but there is no system as such that need no work. You must need to work to make money.
To start online business is easy, but one must know how to select proper business model and the requirement to make it successful. The process of the business is what you need to understand and when you grasp it, It becomes easy to make money. Some businesses require lot of time, some of them may take less time.
There might be businesses that demands lot of money. Some of them might be inexpensive. Different businesses have different advantages .According to your strengths and weaknesses make your business plan. Your business plan will help you to choose the right business model. There is solution almost for every problem that you may face while running online business.
As the solution available for every problem, you could run highly technical business. You will get almost everything that you need to run your business as there are many professional services and products are there to help you. Only things is to find the reputed professionals. Is your online business require technical skills, do you have the required technical skills? No matter whether you have it or not. You can make your job easy using so many professional services and products. Without having any technical background you still can run highly technical online business by using so many professional services. There is solutions for every problem that you might face while running internet business. So, technical skills is not a problem as you will get the solution for every problem that you may face.
So, learn about various online business models, Get a proper guides for proper knowledge. Many times these guides also help you to locate the technical product or service provider too. You have everything that you need to start successful online business to earn money. Of course you do make money with some legitimate businesses. often people are not serious about their online business. Give a try to study more and devote sufficient time to grow your business. You do make money if you acquire more tricks and techniques. If making money from home is your dream ,it will come true, Proper knowledge is the key.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Dr. Bessie Jo Tillman, MD

Have You Ever Heard of This Unique Test For Yeast Infection?

Most folks don't know about the physics of the body, the electromagnetic part of our being that interacts with our nervous system. Astute doctors who learn to read the reflexes in these systems can determine what's going on in our tissues. Most laboratory... Read >

Hidden Causes of Sinus Problems Revealed

If you discovered the secrets to healing your chronic sinus problems would you implement them? Or would you prefer to stay in that vicious cycle of medications that give you temporary relief of sinus problems, only to have them flare when you complete tha... Read >

Chelation for High Blood Pressure

Have you ever included chelation in your natural remedies for high blood pressure?

Or if you've heard of chelation you may have felt you couldn't afford it or there was no doctor nearby to administer it to you.

Now those worries can fly away because... Read >

Article Marketing Increases Traffic to Your Web Site

Are you looking for ways to promote your web site without forking out any cash?

Writing articles and submitting them to the article marketing publishing sites can do just that. You write enticing, informative, specific articles and submit them to these... Read >

Your Candida Diet Can Be Fun

If you are dealing with yeast (Candida overgrowth) finding delicious, appealing meals to eat can be a challenge. But with some basic understanding about the food that feeds us without feeding the yeast you will be whipping up meals that please the taste b... Read >

Easily Become a Great Candida Diet Chef

Have you ever thought of yourself as an expert candida diet chef? Probably not, but you can easily become one. Just have fun implementing the following ideas for creating your own scrumptious, rainbow-colored healthy meals.

Your body loves healthy prot... Read >

For Extra Income Follow These 6 Tips for Success

Have your attempts at finding that great extra income been challenging?

The Internet is supposed to be a gold mine but has it been pretty hard to tap into that vein of gold that's going to pay off for you? These 6 Keys to Success may help you find you... Read >

Does a Raw Food Diet Suit You?

Some advocates of eating only raw food testify that the totally raw food diet has done wonders for their health. First of all, I admire them for the will power and accomplishments of changing to a raw food diet and applaud them for taking personal respons... Read >

Become a Candida Diet Recipes Master Chef

Candida diet recipes abound, but which ones are really right for you?

Which ones satisfy your taste buds and nourish your body optimally well without feeding the yeast overgrowth in your body?

Congratulations. Pat yourself on the back for your wise ... Read >

Candida Diet Foods that Nourish and Satisfy

Finding Candida diet foods can be overwhelming and frustrating. Do you need help?

Maybe you have just been told a long list of food to avoid on a candida diet and now you are thinking, "What's left to eat?", a common dilemma for someone just being intr... Read >

Chelation, a Life and Limb Saver, in a

Are you searching for a "diabetes cure"?

Despite spending 12 billion dollars per year in research to find that elusive "diabetes cure", we have not seen it yet.

But according to Dr. Patrick Quillin: "Diabetes is one of the more prevalent, lethal, ex... Read >

Seeking the Cure for Diabetes

With adult onset diabetes running rampant many clamor for more diabetes research to find a cure of diabetes. Already as much as 20% of the population show signs diagnostic of the disease and many more are silently developing it.

With the dollars poured... Read >

Is There a New Rival for Facebook?

The social networking phenomenon exploded into mainstream consciousness only in the last few years. Amazingly social networking sites have actually been around for over 10 years, but few of us were aware of them.

MySpace attracted the younger age group... Read >

Scrumptious Heart Disease Diet

Is your frustration about implementing a heart disease diet keeping you from getting healthy? Are you confused by conflicting information and a whole list of do's and don'ts? Now you have hope and can rest peacefully as you learn how to implement an easy ... Read >

New Chelation, the Answer for Peripheral Arterial Disease

Peripheral arterial disease, known in the media as PAD, may doom a person to a life of pain and disability. However, there is hope with this new in home secret weapon, a way of administering EDTA effectively in the home in an affordable way. But do not co... Read >

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Dr. John Schinnerer

Turning Down the Volume on Anger At Work - Best Ways to De-escalate Anger in the Workplace

‘Excuse me', I said in my kindest voice, ‘there is a mistake in this report.' My coworker, a woman twenty years my elder, reacted with fury, ‘And I assume you're perfect?! My reports don't have mistakes in them. Why don't you take that report and sh... Read >

Employee Change Begins (and May End) with Emotion

Human emotions are among the top reasons for failed attempts to improve corporate productivity and culture. For example…

Fear: Fear and anxiety paralyze change initiatives.

Anger: Culture changes are sabotaged due to intense resentment and long-... Read >

Sports Psychology: What To Think To Get In the Zone

I played soccer yesterday. It was a simple pickup game that is held every Sunday during the off season. It's a joy to me to be out there, with the smell of the grass, running with the ball, running without the ball, passing and shooting. I'm happy simpl... Read >

The Positive Psychology of Music

Dr. John Schinnerer, Guide To Self, Inc.

Positive psychology is the science behind the pursuit of a happy, meaningful, thriving life.

Positive psychology has emerged at the beginning of a new millennium as a movement within psychology and other soc... Read >

Harvard Study Shows Happiness Has a Ripple Effect, Spills Over to Others

By Dr. John L. Schinnerer

Happiness is catching. Happiness spreads through friends, spouses, siblings and neighbors. There is a ripple effect whereby happiness extends widely through social networks, even between people who may not know one another. On... Read >

How to Manage Inappropriate Anger With Appropriate Assertiveness

By John Schinnerer, Ph.D.
The boss' face is red with rage as he screams obscenities at his subordinate. The boss yells words he will later regret. The subordinate focuses on breathing deeply and staying calm as he watches his boss spin out of emotion... Read >

How to Deal With the Constant Stress of a Battered Economy: 80% of Americans Stressed Over Economy

Which comes first - fear or economic chaos? Companies as varied as Yahoo, American Express, and Time Inc. are laying off employees. Corporate profits are dropping. The stock market is in a chaotic panic. Housing prices have plunged. Consumer debt is on th... Read >

The Four Types of Anger - All You Ever Wanted to Know About Anger (But Were Too Furious to Ask!)

Anger comes from the Latin word, angere, which means "to strangle." Anger strangles us on a number of different levels. It is the emotion which is probably the most familiar to the majority of us. A consistent finding in those who have low self-esteem, mi... Read >

Preventing Bullies from Becoming Prisoners - 60% of Bullies Will Have Conviction by Age 24

Prevent Bullies Before They Become Prisoners: Sixty Percent of Bullies Have One Conviction by the Age 24 John Schinnerer, Ph.D. A ten-year-old boy is told repeatedly that he is a "weakling" and a "girly man," yelled at and teased in a tone of v... Read >

How Emotion Influences Purchasing - Negative Emotions Steer Consumer Choices Down Different Paths

Most people like to enjoy the illusion that they are rational consumers. However, more and more studies are demonstrating the powerful impact that emotions play in buying decisions. In a recent study in the Journal of Consumer Research, researchers found ... Read >

The Solution to the Chief Marketing Officer’s Dilemma – Accurate Engagement Metrics

By Dr. John L. Schinnerer and Shirley Knight

On average, companies change CMOs every two years. Is this a function of unrealistic expectations, unclear job requirements, or something more fundamental? Perhaps the solution is as simple as accurately mea... Read >

The Marketing Revolution: Connecting Behavior with the Subconscious Mind

A scientific revolution is taking place. This revolution has to do with the exponentially increasing understanding of the human mind - the subtle yet profound influence of the subconscious mind on behavior.

Conscious awareness is merely the beginning ... Read >

What a Leader Should Consider.

What a Leader Should Consider.One of the interesting parts of being a college professor is, that you canobtain the most interesting and holistic pictures of the examined topics,through the fairly straightforward process of horizonalization, which isplacing all answers from all participants on one level and subsequentlyeliminating the redundant parts.On my question: "What, in your opinion, are the most important aspects for aleader to consider?" my students recently came up with the following.A good leader should consider:* His or her mission and vision. The strength of a leader starts with havinga clearly defined purpose in life.* His or her conviction and the most appropriate leadership style, giventhis conviction.* His or her communication skills, because those will make it possible toorient followers closer to the goal or dream.* The present situation, the people who will follow the vision, theleader-follower respect level, and the desired result.* Humility. An arrogant leader will not be followed for long, because he orshe will intimidate his or her followers, which will interfere in thequality of mutual communication and sharing the conviction. Once thefollowers turn away, the leader ceases to be a leader. On the other hand, aleader who is humble enough to give followers credit for their efforts willbe honored and respected in return.* Adaptability to changing environments. Nothing guarantees a downfallbetter than a stubborn, inflexible leader.* People skills: Knowing how to deal with followers from variousbackgrounds, and thus, with various perceptions.* A well-rounded personality: Being able to get along with people and besympathetic while, at the same time, being knowledgeable and stable as well.* Understanding: Although this ties into adaptability and people skills,this factor still deserves separate mentioning, as understanding pertains tomuch more than just working well with followers. It encompasses the entireenvironment in which the leader leads.* The ability to motivate others: It is not always easy to get a group ofpeople at the same level. Different followers may have different perceptionsand different capacities, and therefore may need different tactics to getthings done.* Ethics. Before leading anyone the leader should make sure his or herintentions and values are in the right place.* Inspiration. This is closely related to conviction, communication, andmotivation. The leader should believe in him or herself; be able to get themessage across, and live it in order to get the followers to do the same.* Honesty. If a leader is caught lying once, his or her integrity is lost,and therefore the trust of the followers.* Kindness: The leader should be accessible and friendly, because thesemanifestations will encourage followers to open up and share theirsuggestions and experiences, which may turn out to be valuable resources tothe leader.* Charisma: Although maybe not the most important asset for a leader toconsider, charisma helps to get people moving toward the goal at a steadierpace.* Determination: Once the goal is set, the leader should be confident andresolute in achieving it, in spite of some hurdles that will undoubtedlysurface.* Sensitivity. Showing empathy for others' needs, and giving support andunderstanding without becoming overwhelmed by others' problems, make for astrong leader.* Responsible risk taking. This takes courage, but should be applied anyway.A good leader should go for what he or she believes in, even when the oddsare against him or her. At the same time, the leader should stay on theright side of the fine line between taking calculated risks and indulging infoolish recklessness.* Decisiveness. Being able to make bold decisions when necessary candetermine the difference between mediocrity and greatness.* A good heart. It is the heart that drives every part of an individual. Byhaving a heart the leader shows character.* Supportiveness to followers, and, as a result to that: guidance in everypossible form. Mentoring may be one of them. Facilitating training toenhance followers� skills is another.* The organization he or she is leading, and the goals of this organization.If the goals of the organization are not aligned to the values of theleader, he or she should consider leading somewhere else.* A hardworking and dedicated approach. Although this is known more as amanagement skill than a leadership trait, it still does miracles for theidentification of followers with their leader.* Respect toward followers. If they feel appreciated and respected for theirinput, followers will be encouraged to perform even better.* Listening. Followers often have very useful information to share. Besides,they experience it as positive if their leader also lends an ear to theirpersonal issues.* Caring: A leader who listens should also follow up by attempting toimprove the quality of his or her followers� lives.* Being positive and optimistic: this attitude will rub off on followers,and they will make the seemingly impossible possible.* Being encouraging toward followers, even when they fail. A good leaderdoes not shy away from giving a reprimand, but does not dwell on it too longeither. He or she tries to catch people doing good things, and mentions thatto them as well!* Being socially responsible, and trying to do things right to set anexample for followers. This may be the point where the golden rule should bementioned as an important leadership consideration: "do unto others as youwould want them to do unto you." The golden rule includes being cognizantof their behaviors towards employees of the company as well as customers andpeers* Having knowledge of the followers and the situation, so that the leadercan apply the right leadership strategies.* Being calm and collected, which radiates trust to all stakeholders.* Being patient, as this is the trait that ultimately will deliver therewards.It is needless to say that the list could continue inexhaustibly. However,the above provided points may encourage you to add your own perspectives.Feel free!Joan Marques, Ed.D.Burbank, May 9, 2004---------------------------------------------------About the Author:Joan Marques emigrated from Suriname, South America, to California, U.S., in1998. She holds a doctorate in Organizational Leadership, a Master�s inBusiness Administration, and is currently a university instructor inBusiness and Management in Burbank, California. You may visit her web sitesat> and>Joan's manual "Feel Good About Yourself," a six part series to get you overthe bumps in life and onto success, can be purchased and downloaded at: is better to live in serene poverty than in hectic affluence. Everythinghas a price. The price for nurturing your soul is turning away fromexcessive stress, destruction of self-respect, and the constant strive inlifestyle with the Joneses. But it�s worth it.[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

For more information click here

John Hinkle

Helpful Suggestions On Orrganizing Your Business Facebook Profile to Raise Your Account's Efficiency

Given that the usage of social media networking is rising, a lot of firms have started to utilize this trend by opening their personal accounts in social networking sites like Facebook. Making a Facebook account enables businesses to market their merch... Read >

Top 5 Verified Ways on How to Make It With Network Marketing

Network marketing is one of the most effective methods in marketing a product or service. If done correctly and effectively, network marketing has the power to change your lifestyle and make it a lot better on account of the amount of money that you c... Read >

Five Easy Ways to Increase Your SEO Score Through YouTube

Countless sales people today are devoting time and money on taking advantage of their sites to acquire an increased traffic. What countless of marketers disregard, though, is that there are countless free marketing tools available on the internet that ma... Read >

Making a Blog to Further the Success of Your Company

A method to expand your company and have a strong relationship with your prospects is blogging . By blogging, you can prove your knowledge in your specialization, and likewise acquire the comments of your customers. It can also strengthen your business'... Read >

Useful MLM Leads: A Way For Achieving Fast Business Growth

MLM or Multi-level Marketing is a fast and a sufficient way of moving products around. However, it's been a popularly misunderstoodselling technique since it is frequently identified with pyramid scheme.

In a nutshell, multi-level marketing is a produc... Read >

Targeted Ezine Marketing : A Valuable Way To Enlarge Income

Ezine advertising and marketing have proven to be helpful means in luring possible customers to your company. It may aim on a target market which could expand to a larger quantity of really curious prospects.

Ezine marketing is effective and more econo... Read >

Targeted Ezine Marketing : An Effective Means To Increase Income

Why Split Testing Landing Pages Has the Power to Change Your Business Statistics
A significant factor in making your affiliate promotion successful is the manner by which you present your proposition. And in marketing your products or affiliate program, ... Read >

Importance of Competent Network Marketing Training On the Web

Internet marketing and network marketing have created a boost of interest among business owners around the planet since they've been introduced. Conventional marketing is still crucial; but, networking marketing has become important for most firms at pre... Read >

What's Behind MLM Lead System Pro?

Sales leads are the primary factors that can make any network marketing business improve persistently. If you are a newbie and currently figuring out your way around MLM, you could be experimenting with different ways to generate leads such as making use ... Read >

5 Reasons Why You Have to Make Use of MLM Lead System Pro

If you are an amateur to MLM or are now striving to comprehend how you can make money with this kind of industry, then you need to recognize foremost the great importance of sales leads. In obtaining successful expansion of your business, leads are extrem... Read >

An MLM Lead System Pro Review to Get You In the Know

For a network marketer to truly be deemed successful, he must obtain only two things: a lot of sales leads, and ultimately, more wealth. As I've been in the networking business for quite some time now, I've witnessed a lot of marketing systems come in an... Read >

Make Your Sales Rise Up with 5 Functional Social Media Marketing Advanced Tactics

As the utilization of social media advertising expands, a lot of businesses are starting to make use of it. Some companies are already starting to learn about the leverage of online tools in putting up a community wherein their prospective clients may min... Read >

On Spotlight: Numis Network Company

You might have noticed that there has been a considerable economic decline. All over the world, nations say no to the thought of taking currency from USA. Not only is the US money made out of financial liabilities, it is ultimately just bits of paper. Pre... Read >

The Dirty Little Secret of the Numis Network: �The Numis Network Scandal�

You might have noticed that there has been a considerable economic decline. Here and abroad, countries are refusing to take currency from the United States. Not only is the US currency made out of financial liabilities, it is ultimately just bits of paper... Read >

The Power of Split Testing Landing Pages in Changing Your Business

A valuable factor in making your affiliate marketing efficient is the manner by which you make your proposition evident. And in promoting your products or affiliate program, you have to remember that your prospects are bound to have diverse opinions. This... Read >

Making Money Online With a Diet Affiliate Program

Who Can Use AM?AM is something everybody can use even those with with zero experience. For those marketers who have a couple of years under there belts there are a ton of "plug and play" affiliate swipe files, prelaunch templates, psychological triggers, and swipe sequence templates where you can make your investment back with a single mailing.What Do I Get In Affiliate Millionaire?The whole package is made up of 7 DVD Modules - Each Module containing 2 to 4 videos with a mixture of real life videos, power point slides and screen recordings. And the best thing about this is that you will physically receive each DVD and File, yes this is not another 1 minute download... Another thing that I liked is that there are worksheets provided for each module, partially to follow along with and partially to test yourself at the end of the module. I know, we all hate homework, but I like that it kind of holds me accountable for the information that was covered.Like I said though, there are some downsides; so let's move into the negatives of this Affiliate Millionaire Review. The first downside (that will annoy most people) is that as of this writing, you can't even buy the product! It comes out February 23, 2010, so you'll have to do a little bit of waiting yet. The other downside is that since it is 7 DVD's (and more), you have to wait for the product to be shipped to you, unlike many of these type of programs which are instant download. Despite these negatives, I still must say I was impressed with the videos, and would definitely recommend Affiliate Millionaire. There are several guides on the market that promote marketing your business. 90-Day Affiliate Millionaire is another one of the hundreds. This particular guide is good for the beginner and intermediate marketers. There seems to be somewhat of a question if this is for the advance marketer.This guide gives a good idea of what is required of an affiliate marketer and how they should go about implementing what they have read. It does not provide very good support and lacks clear and precise examples along with no website templates, keyword suggestions or email forms.It claims that you can make over 1 million dollars in 90 days buy following the step in this guide. The Author is a gentleman by the name of Daniel Jeffreys. I do not know this person but he claims not to be a marketing guru. He claims his millions came from doing internet marketing online.Before you buy or invest in the 90-Day Affiliate Marketing Guide you should look at what others have to offer. Do you ever buy the first house or car you see? Probably not and there certainly are other guides out there.One of the things it seems that this guide does not offer is one on one coaching or some other tools that can help beginners. There does not seem to be a clear cut example or website templates. One of the key elements in internet marketing is keyword suggestions. There does not seem to be any keyword suggestions.I have done a review of the 3 top internet marketing guides, techniques or resources on the internet.

For more information click here

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Making Money Online Is A Lot Easier For The Marketer Who Knows How To Blog

Blogging can be a crucial ingredient in the success of any internet marketing business. Blogging can offer smart marketers opportunities they can't get elsewhere. You know that, as an internet marketer, you need to explore all of the revenue avenues that are available to you-especially if you want to make your living online.Of course, understanding all this and putting it into practice are two separate things. Most people find it easier to simply know about needing a blog, rather than think about actually starting one. The good news is that setting up a blog and keeping it running does not have to be as difficult as it looks. Below are some tips to get you started.Your blog must have an RSS Feed. RSS is short for saying "Really Simple Syndication." Some blogs come with feeds set-up so you don't have to do it manually. You can stick with your own blog's feed or you can choose one of the many that are available from other companies for free. Feedburner, a system recently purchased by Google, is one of the most popular feed burning and creating systems online.Having a feed helps your readers stay current with your writing without having to check your page every day to see if you have published something. Whenever you add new content your subscribers are notified through their feed reader and can stay in touch on their time. Don't just make up your posts as you go along; have them planned out ahead of time. Deciding on your posting topics does not have to be difficult. A good method is to open up a notebook or text document and do some free association, jotting down everything that comes into your mind that has something to do with your chosen niche. So if your blog is about training dogs, for example, you could make a list of the different dog breeds and what you know about them, or several different training styles; you would soon have a good list of blog post topics. Many people are in the internet marketing niche; in this case, you could write down every system you have ever used to market your own business; every one of these can be a blog post. The more you get used to posting, the easier it will be to come up with posting topics.Freedom of speech should be a main attribute of your blog. At first you won't experience any problems because of the small amount of comments to screen. It will become tempting, once your site gets busier, to stop allowing posts all together or to only allow ones to be added that you agree with because people will eventually start posting comments in which everyone may not agree with. Allowing people to publish comments that disagree with you will show that you are open to more opinions than your own. This will encourage people to comment, even if they don't agree with you. There are lots of ways to improve your blogging performance. You can make good money from a blog, but there is a lot more to blogging than this. It is a way for internet marketers to build their communities. Also think of your blog as a way to establish your reputation as an authority in whatever field you're in. A blog also can make lots of people aware of you and your products, which will help you to build a profitable business. Naturally, as an internet marketer, you want to make as much money as possible.

For more information click here

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Rich Jamison

Why Internet Marketing is Exceptional For Making Money

Internet marketing is the business of both advertising and selling goods and services over the internet. This form of business is ever-increasing in popularity, with millions of people now making purchases on the internet. Internet marketing began in the ... Read >

Are You Ready To Be Stupid Rich?

You need to watch this movie it's pouring in cash like crazy.

I started out in internet marketing several years ago, and since then have developed the skills and the tools necessary to market a business on the internet. I began with affiliate marketing... Read >

Are You Ready To Be Stupid Rich?

I used to be in your shoes, working the 40 hour work week slaving away waiting till payday only to realize that once payday arrived I had to take my check and pay all my bills and had nothing left over to spend on the things I wanted. My cushy job ended ... Read >

Bought Every Program, Still Making No Money?

Yes we've all seen the fantastic claims on the internet about the average Joe who just stumbled upon the easiest home opportunity and within a few weeks was making thousands of dollars a day in automatic income. And most of these sales letters and intern... Read >

The Most Important Seduction Skills

Lately I've been noticing a lot of guys getting confused about what is really important when it comes to picking up women. This is very dangerous and can affect your overall game because when you spend too much time on things that don't matter... you are ... Read >

Ever heard about affiliates who attract “groupies” like rock-stars?

Ever heard about affiliates who attract "groupies" like rock-stars?

If you do, then let me put it like this: since Day Job Killer dropped on 6th February, it has sold over 9,000 units, converted at 40%+ off some mail-outs, and as high as 11% off Pay P... Read >

I Was Scammed 37 Times, Don't Get Scammed

....Wouldn't it be nice to make a bundle of money quickly, with minimal effort, working at home in your pajamas? Of course it would. I for one would love to have money flowing into my bank account, working only a few hours a week from home, so I'd have mo... Read >

They laughed when I said I was going to start my own business

Of course my wife said I didn't know what I was doing and my friends also were skeptical and thought that I was completely wasting my time.

Yet I was on a mission and determined to build a business and make it a success and build it on my own. Sure I ... Read >

Michael Quinn

Have You Taken Advantage of The Business Tax Break?

By now, most business owners would have at least heard about the small business tax break, however many of those owners may not have taken advantage of this incentive. The deadline is drawing near but it's not too late to capitalise. Here is what you need... Read >

Winding up Your Business for Better or Worse- The role of liquidators

Winding up a business requires the liquidation of all that business' assets. The reason for winding up a business could either be that the company is insolvent (can't pay all of its debts) or its members want to end the company's existence.

How do you ... Read >

Starting a business – basic things to consider

There are many things to think of when looking to start a business. From choosing a business structure and legal issues to tax obligations and financial management, there is a vast range of things to consider so as to ensure the smooth running of your bus... Read >

Company liquidation – a solution for struggling businesses

When a company is no longer able to pay its debts using the company resources that are available it is determined to be insolvent. In the current economic environment, as a result of business forces, many business owners are finding that they are unable t... Read >

Who will run your business when you are no longer able to?

As the old adage states, "Fail to plan and you will plan to fail". Whilst this may seem a little worn out it is still very relevant and true, particularly when it comes to business. For most business owners their business is a result of many years of hard... Read >

Why are small businesses staying small?

In a recent analysis of Australian Bureau of Statistics data it has been revealed that there has been surprisingly strong growth in the number of small businesses in Australia. Interestingly, the data also highlights that along with an extremely high fail... Read >

Will your bookkeeper be compliant under the new Tax Agent Services Act 2009?

Legislation for the Tax Agent Services Act 2009 has been drafted and is intended to be enacted early in 2010. The new regulations will see that bookkeepers who are currently preparing and lodging Business Activity Statements (BAS) for a fee are now requir... Read >

Reduce your tax bill AND increase your wealth using imputation credits

Unlike income from cash or bonds, which is fully taxable at your marginal tax rate, Australian shares receive attractive tax concessions through the dividend imputation system.

Australia's dividend imputation system can reduce and in some cases elimin... Read >

Is your Superannuation working for you?

If you have accumulated a significant superannuation balance, wish to maximise your returns and have greater control over your investments; a self managed super fund (SMSF) may be the answer.

A SMSF is a vehicle that is used to manage the superannuatio... Read >

Beware of illegal schemes offering early access to super

There is currently a range of illegal schemes and plans that exist that are offering unsuspecting taxpayers access to their superannuation savings before retirement. The promoters of these plans will tell you that they are able to access your super saving... Read >

Changes to personal bankruptcy laws reflect change in economic climate

Attorney-General, Robert McClelland has recently released details of proposed changes to existing personal bankruptcy legislation.

The changes are now available for public consultation and are intended to modernise the current legislation to better ref... Read >

New Trade Practices legislation to affect standard form contracts

The Commonwealth Government moved to introduce a new national consumer protection law in June this year (2009) when it passed Trade Practices Amendment (Australian Consumer Law) Bill 2009. This new law is modelled on a successful trial that has been opera... Read >

Home Buyers Schemes

The government has put in place a range of schemes to help out new home and first home buyers. The trick is finding the one that applies to you. Figuring out which one and then applying for it can be a bit confusing. The most relevant schemes to new and f... Read >

Restructuring could get your troubled business back on track

If you are noticing issues with profitability, having problems with meeting your tax bills, or have any outstanding debts to the ATO then you are probably thinking that you will have to resort to insolvency via administration, liquidation, or receivership... Read >

Business Activity Statements

Business Activity Statements (BAS) are used by business's to report and pay a number of tax obligations, including GST, Pay As You Go (PAYG) instalments, PAYG withholding and Fringe Benefits Tax. This is the ATO's way of combining a range of taxes into on... Read >

Heather Moose

Four hot hourly job industries

Automotive, call center, restaurant and retail jobs are thriving

Are you an hourly job seeker wondering what the hot job industries are? Unfortunately, not everyone can pilot the Oscar Mayer Weinermobile or be a minor league hockey mascot. However, you... Read >

Taking post-holiday debt head on

You don't have to pawn the lawn reindeer. Holiday jobs, creativity and patient problem-solving can help you take control of your finances.When the reindeer cookies get stale and the staples are finally removed from the strands of 30,000 twinkling bulbs st... Read >

50-plus workers are helping business boom

Boomers bring experience and energy to hourly and part-time jobsYou go by many names: seniors, boomers and even the 50-plus crowd. But no matter what name you prefer to go by, one thing is certain - today's savvy workplace vets are sticking around the wat... Read >

The secret to landing seasonal jobs & temporary employment

A few extra bucks makes the holidays much easier to manage

By Mike Ward

The title of this article may be a little bit deceiving. There really is no "secret" to securing great seasonal jobs and temporary employment, but there is a healthy dose of com... Read >

Super Moms Return to the Workplace

When Keisha Case decided it was time to go back to work and join the legion of working mothers, it wasn't whether or not to return that was the tough decision - it was what to do.
"My decision to get back in the workplace was mostly financial but when I ... Read >

Summer Job Hunting 101

Sooner than later, the lines at your local fast food joints will be filled with more summer job seekers than hungry customers. Mallrats will be replaced by well-mannered students with résumés in hand. And your parents will begin a steady, annoying caden... Read >

The Nitty Gritty of a Part-Time Job Search: What to Consider and How to Stand Out

When searching for a job, you must begin with the end in mind. Job placement success does not happen by magic, but by making smart, strategic moves to make sure you find the right fit for your interests and abilities.
This is especially important whe... Read >

Monday, October 24, 2011

Lawrence Tam

Amerisciences Opportunity Analysis

The wellness industry has seen tremendous growth in recent years and this growth is expected to continue over the coming years.People have come to understand that health can no longer be taken for granted and are willing to spend towards keeping fit and i... Read >

Asantae MLM Hands On: HeartShot To Your Income

Cardiac illness is one of the leading causes of death. Asantae aims to address this problem by preventing and protecting people from death causing heart ailments. Let's find out more about the company and explore the scope of the business opportunity offe... Read >

The Angel Company Network Marketing Review - Rubber Stamp Your Success

Do you want to become an angel? All you need is imagination, interest in art and crafts and business sense to earn from your hobby. Mischelle Smith, the founder of The Angel Company was a demonstrator for another direct selling company that dealt with rub... Read >

Amway Review - Still A Joke?

Amway, or the American Way,as people prefer to call it needs no introduction. Amway operates in eighty plus countries and distributes more than 450 products. As many as three million reps work to promote the products of this company worldwide. It's this i... Read >

Amkey Opportunity Overview

Everyday, our body's assaulted by harmful chemicals from the polluted environment around us. This has an effect on our body functioning, energy levels, skin and digestive system.It's important to flush these toxins out of our body regularly.Amkey manufact... Read >

Ameriplan Insurance MLM Look Through

As a business model, Ameriplan Health is unbeatable in its unique idea and the benefits it provides to members.For over 16 years, this company has been offering discounted health care services to members for a monthly fee ranging from $20 to $50.

The c... Read >

Ameriplan Network Marketing Business Scrub Through

The Ameriplan Income Opportunity is probably the most disputed business on the Internet. There are some people who make exaggerated claims of earning unbelievable sums of money while others are totally against this business saying it's a scam. So whether ... Read >

The Aim Companies Review – Are MLM Items Worth Building?

The Aim Companies aspires to offer nourishing care through different products to help maintain a healthy body. This is an MLM organization that distributes information and products through its representatives. If you are a rep working with Aim companies o... Read >

Agel – A Review Of The Gel Offered And MLM Opportunity

Good commissions, exciting bonuses and perks, trips abroad, luxury cars and what not... All MLM companies offer these goodies. The truth often differs and we get to know this only be experience. Shall we take a look at Agel and find out more about its pot... Read >

AdvoCare – A Review Of The Products Offered And The Income Opportunity

With as many as 70 products catering to the most sought after needs in the health segment, AdvoCare is a well known brand in the health care industry. This Company was founded by Charlie Ragus in 1993 to "Advocate care". This is a Multilevel Marketing Com... Read >

ACN Opportunity Report – A Review of the Business

ACN Inc, alleged to be the world's biggest direct selling telecommunications company has operations in twenty countries in three continents. So if you are a network marketer in US, Europe or Asia Pacific, you would have surely chanced upon the prospect of... Read >

Accentz Jewelry Review – The Key To Marketing Successfully

If you are in search of a rewarding home-based job would have heard about Accentz Jewelry. This line boasts of trendy designer jewelry that is reasonably priced. With a exclusive range of styles and designs, this eye catching range is certain to find a l... Read >

4Life Together Building People -Is This Your Solution?

4Life Research offers products with distinctive advantages and exceptional nutritional value. other than products; the company also offers ways to make money by joining the company as a agent. this business has good prospects for improvement for vigorous ... Read >

Buzzirk Global Verge Review – Does Global Verge Have What It Takes To Explode?

So Buzzirk Mobile is situated to dominate the face of internet and mobile communications by including:

1) The Phone
2) Unlimited Texting
3) Unlimited Long Distance
4) Being able to use both services for broadband Internet on your PC

No contracts,... Read >

MLM Lead System Pro - What is Inside the Box?

You have probably already decided that a fully customizable marketing system is in your future and the options are to:

1) Build your own marketing system from scratch 2) Outsource the entire project 3) Use a fully customizable marketing system

I hop... Read >

Making Money Online With a Diet Affiliate Program

Who Can Use AM?AM is something everybody can use even those with with zero experience. For those marketers who have a couple of years under there belts there are a ton of "plug and play" affiliate swipe files, prelaunch templates, psychological triggers, and swipe sequence templates where you can make your investment back with a single mailing.What Do I Get In Affiliate Millionaire?The whole package is made up of 7 DVD Modules - Each Module containing 2 to 4 videos with a mixture of real life videos, power point slides and screen recordings. And the best thing about this is that you will physically receive each DVD and File, yes this is not another 1 minute download... Another thing that I liked is that there are worksheets provided for each module, partially to follow along with and partially to test yourself at the end of the module. I know, we all hate homework, but I like that it kind of holds me accountable for the information that was covered.Like I said though, there are some downsides; so let's move into the negatives of this Affiliate Millionaire Review. The first downside (that will annoy most people) is that as of this writing, you can't even buy the product! It comes out February 23, 2010, so you'll have to do a little bit of waiting yet. The other downside is that since it is 7 DVD's (and more), you have to wait for the product to be shipped to you, unlike many of these type of programs which are instant download. Despite these negatives, I still must say I was impressed with the videos, and would definitely recommend Affiliate Millionaire. There are several guides on the market that promote marketing your business. 90-Day Affiliate Millionaire is another one of the hundreds. This particular guide is good for the beginner and intermediate marketers. There seems to be somewhat of a question if this is for the advance marketer.This guide gives a good idea of what is required of an affiliate marketer and how they should go about implementing what they have read. It does not provide very good support and lacks clear and precise examples along with no website templates, keyword suggestions or email forms.It claims that you can make over 1 million dollars in 90 days buy following the step in this guide. The Author is a gentleman by the name of Daniel Jeffreys. I do not know this person but he claims not to be a marketing guru. He claims his millions came from doing internet marketing online.Before you buy or invest in the 90-Day Affiliate Marketing Guide you should look at what others have to offer. Do you ever buy the first house or car you see? Probably not and there certainly are other guides out there.One of the things it seems that this guide does not offer is one on one coaching or some other tools that can help beginners. There does not seem to be a clear cut example or website templates. One of the key elements in internet marketing is keyword suggestions. There does not seem to be any keyword suggestions.I have done a review of the 3 top internet marketing guides, techniques or resources on the internet.

For more information click here

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Seeking A Legitimate Work From Home Opportunity

There are a great many business ideas trying to claim your attention in the work from home niche. Unfortunately, not all of these are a good idea. In fact, a large number of them are no more than scams designed to suck all your money away from you. So how can you find a legitimate work from home opportunity? Well, let's look at some areas you should concentrate on.

Perhaps the simplest method of doing this is to get a business of your own up and running with minimum cost. You do not need to join a business opportunity to make money on the Internet yourself.

Right now you may be thinking, "but I do not have any products to sell. How can I get started?It is always good to ask a question like this, and selling products that give good information is a great way to make money legitimately online.

What makes this a really good way of earning money is that good quality information is always in demand, and people will pay good money for it if they see it as offering great value to them. You may well have already bought some form of information product, whether it was offline or online.

For instance, one item that has been in demand over the years is that of "how to" books and leaflets. You may have seen such books as "how to finish your basement", "how to install a deck", "how to change a flat tyre", "how to start a home business", and so on.

The Internet makes it very easy to sell information products if you are answering questions and solving problems. The trick is to know what kind of problems people need solved, and then have products available to sell to them.

You can do this either by creating your own information products and selling them online, or you can join affiliate programs such as ClickBank. You can get access to many thousands of good products created by other people by joining Clickbank's affiliate program.

As an example, if you join up with Clickbank, you can begin to build websites to sell their products on using your affiliate ID number. If you prefer you do not even have to create your own website, and you can just use the one that is provided for you for that specific product.

This is a perfectly legitimate work from home opportunity because you will never run out of products to sell. Also, you now have the chance to generate an income exceeding your current full-time one, provided you learn the necessary skills as you go along.

In summary, creating your own product and selling it online is one way to work from home. Joining click Bank as an affiliate is free to do and is another excellent legitimate work from home opportunity.


Alan Thomas is an experienced business owner who has helped many people develop their own successful home based businesses. You can find more information on Legitimate Work From Home Opportunity and Simple Work From Home Blog

For more information click here

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Cynthia Minnaar

Blog Marketing Strategies That Work

Something that many bloggers do not understand is blog marketing. You need to learn a few online marketing strategies to promote your blog if you are going to operate one that you want to make money with. Let's discuss a few blog marketing strategies that... Read >

What Is The Price To Start Your Own Online Business?

If you are looking for ways to start your own online business you are probably wondering how much money you will be required to outlay initially. Here are a few guidelines you can follow as there is no exact answer.

1. Register for free with affiliate... Read >

Article Writing Is A Proven Way To Make Online Income

The demand for fresh content is something that has remained constant as the Internet grows. Blogging is an opportunity that has grown considerably over the past few years. Let's discuss two ways you can earn online income writing blog articles.

1. Sta... Read >

Fast Ways To Make Online Income

A big advantage of using the Internet to make online income is how fast you can actually get paid. In fact it is possible to earn money instantly if you do it the correct way. Let's look at a few ways you can earn and get paid immediately.

1. Instant ... Read >

Easy 7 Step Format Of Article Writing

Many people think article writing is a lot harder than it really is. As a matter of fact if you follow this easy 7 step format of article writing it will make your job a lot easier.

1. Keeping your articles short and to the point is good.

This is... Read >

Money Making Websites: Ways To Make Sales

You can make money every hour of the day and night because the Internet never closes. This is what makes internet marketing such a fantastic opportunity. People from all around the world can be on your website 24 hours a day. Here we talk about how you ca... Read >

5 Low Cost Ways To Market An Internet Business

Lots of online home business owners do not have a lot of spare money to spend on marketing. Because so many people who start a home business are doing it on a part time basis to supplement their income this is understandable.

Here we discuss ways you c... Read >

Residual Income Opportunities: Building An MLM Business

Out of the many residual income opportunities available online one of the best ways to generate residual income is to join a network marketing company. Here we will analyze how generating residual income is as easy as adding one new distributor at a time... Read >

Affiliate Marketing Business: An Introduction To Affiliate Networks

A top way to earn money in affiliate marketing is by joining affiliate networks. Let's talk about ways you can improve your affiliate marketing business income by being an affiliate for various networks.

1. Amazon. They are the largest online retailer... Read >

How To Start An Online Business The Fast Way

Many people are searching daily for ideas on how to start an online business. Let's take a look at a popular way to get started where you get everything you need to get your business off the ground fast.

Consider going with an internet business in a b... Read >

6 Good Online Business Ideas Worth Exploring

You can unearth online business ideas easily using the internet. By typing the keywords you are researching into the search box of the major search engines you will be presented with many results to choose from.

Here we will discuss six of the best on... Read >

Affiliate Marketing Business: Advantages Of Having A Mentor

Each affiliate marketing business can benefit from a mentor at one time or another. Many established Internet marketers turn to professionals to help them take their business to the next level.

Here we take a look at a few examples of how you could ben... Read >

Online Home Based Business: Importance Of Having Your Own Website

It is not easy to think of very many instances where products are sold without a website on the Internet. Here are a few reasons why you need your own website if you run an online home based business.

1. Check your competition. A lot of your competitor... Read >

Start An Online Business From Home: 3 Things To Keep In Mind

A top way to earn extra income today is to start a business of your own on the internet. Here we talk about a few steps you should keep in mind when you start an online business from home.

1. Pick a good business opportunity. You want to represent prod... Read >

Extra Income Ideas: Earn In Your Spare Time

Are you looking for ways to make extra money in your spare time? It has never been easier to earn money part time thanks to the internet and here are a few extra income ideas to help you do that.

1. Affiliate sales. Affiliate programs are free to join.... Read >

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Strengthen Conversions With Products Design Affiliate WordPress Plugin - A Evaluation For All Entrep

One particular of these duties that I struggle with is setting up landing pages. I really don't have a innovative bone in my physique and coding has in no way been a person of my robust points and in reality you like I, will not have the time to commit to completely learn about the ins and outs of coding and designing internet sites. Thankfully a remedy is available that automates most of the technical skills essential in setting up landing pages.Affiliate Theme by the group at Distinctive Blog site Models is a WordPress concept that enables you to immediately and conveniently setup affiliate web pages without getting to devote several hours composing code or trying to put your inventive expertise or lack thereof to use. It will take away a ton of the pain in designing and setting up Affiliate Internet sites, so devoid of even more ado lets dig into Affiliate Concept So what accurately is Affiliate Theme? Put just Affiliate theme is a complete WordPress theme that has been intended for the development of Affiliate promoting sites. It is easy to install and is easy for any one with a modicum of WordPress expertise to figure out and use. The essential options of the theme are as follows:
  • Bundled graphics to use on your internet site(s)
  • Integrated color picker for changing web site color alternatives
  • Point and click on site layout options
  • Uncomplicated to configure "contact to motion buttons"
  • Complete on the internet assist which includes video clip and discussion board accessibility
The assist from the developers of this concept is initial class. The video tutorials are to begin with class and truly support you get to grips with working with the theme and earning the best of it. All this does not arrive for no cost but for a relatively small outlay you can have a strong, simple to use website creation tool that seriously does just take the headache out of setting up web pages for your Affiliate promotions I have personally been using the theme for a few of months now and it has enhanced the pace in which I can load up web sites and start off selling gives you and allows you to aim on the advertising facets of your affiliate enterprise instead than worrying about the technical Things.This is effortlessly for WordPress blogs, and you will find it performs perfectly from the existing version likely back to He is greatly conscious of the difficulties with plugin useful worries, and it has been held up to date to manage the most up-to-date WordPress introduction. If you've ever before been discouraged with finding out how to use a new business enterprise or promotion instrument, then loosen up knowing that will by no means be a difficulty, here. Ryan offers specific directions accessible in PDF format in addition to creating them available on the Product or service Model Plugin site in the "Plugin Features" page.Ryan desired some thing that does almost all it can do to attain even larger conversions. Considering that he has been doing well at this for around fifteen years, it is risk-free to assume he understands all about conversion optimization. You will also value the truth that he's engineered this plugin to deliver you maximum control over your advert patterns.

For more information click here

The Art of the Food Essay

This article is available for use online and in print as long as thebyline and bio at the end are intact. I would love to know if andwhere this is used.The Art of the Food Essayby Pam WhiteThe muddy earth is spotted red and green. No perfect, waxedapples will do. I take a brown paper bag and pick up thesmall, often pitted, apples with their matte finish anduneven sides. The scent of Empire, McIntosh and North Spiessweep over me; I am transported to the backyard of the housemy mother lived, and died, in.The final year of her life, I traveled cross-country manytimes, with two babies as my constant companions. I cookedfor her, but only the simple meals she could eat. The firsttwo weeks of September were so draining and sad that itwasn't until the day she died that I saw the trees weredropping their apples.Needing some comfort and a way to comfort others, I put onan apron and lifted the skirt for carrying the apples backto the kitchen. I remember standing at the sink, too wearyto feel tired, looking into the back yard at those twistedtrunks, peeling apples, measuring flour, sugar, cinnamon,rolling pie crust and crimping edges.And so a food essay is born.Think of an essay as an article turned personal. Instead ofwriting objectively about events, people and news, an essayrequires the writer's emotional involvement. The individualvoice, and the writer's passion, are what make the essay socompelling to read, and to write. I find weaving together astory, written with the immediacy of the experience, is oneof the most honest and rewarding ways to write about food.Writing an article provides the writer with the opportunityfor detaching from the material. Reviewing a restaurantrequires an analytical objectivity that still allows thewriter to pen the piece from a distance.The essayist writes from emotions, ordinary or raw, takingthe reader along with her. Writing the food essay goes onebetter; we provide entertainment, memories and enlightenmentabout food history, cuisines, recipes and ingredients.Essays tell stories but they differ from journalism orcritical writing. Essays are narratives, with distinctive,intelligent and individual voices. Essays are born of rawmaterial available to each of us, and refined in thewriting. An advantages of writing food essays is that youcan write them where you are. No thriving metropolitanbackdrop is required; no whirlwind tour of other continentsis needed for the foundation of your essay. Write what youlike, make, bake and dream about.In the essay we tell the truth about the world we know butthe essay combines the factual and the literary. In _EndlessFeasts_, "Down East Breakfast" by Robert P. Coffin openswith "Weather, mother of good poetry, is also mother of goodbreakfasts." With one sentence he lets the reader know wherehe is going. A second essay, "Two for the Road: Havana,North Dakota," by Jane and Michael Stern, paints thefollowing scene, "As dawn's mist lifts away from the blackearth west of the Bois de Sioux River and rows of sunflowerscoil up to face the daybreak like solders coming toattention, a pot of coffee is put on to brew at the Farmer'sInn." I love it, don't you? It is clear what's important tothe writer, that the story they are spinning is just wakingup. Like these essayists, you will write from yourparticular point of view.Experiment with inventive devices to hook the reader orillustrate your story. Write love poems to your favoritesweets or a limerick about Irish stew. Turn yourself into acharacter in the story. Exaggerate, create a funny endingthat never took place, be playful. Take your reality and becreative. Share recipes to illustrate your family's bestcookies. Write of epiphanies when you realized thatcombining mango with chipotle chili powder made your cornmuffins award-winning.While there are as many variations on food essays as thereare food writers, here are some categories to get youreflecting on what you have to offer as an essayist.Writing food memories can take you back to birthday dinners,eating fresh picked corn, baking cookies with your children,Thanksgiving cranberry dishes. Magazines from Women's Day to

Saveur publish food memoirs. The writer shares a moment intime symbolized by the food cooked or eaten. Share a part ofyour family's culinary history, or new things you've learnedthat changed the way you share cooking with your friends andfamily. The articles can vary between a first experiencewith pistachios to a family recipe for milk-soaked bread.The food doesn't have to be gourmet, or even edible.Make the story you are telling filled with suspense, orlaugh out loud funny. Tell the story, filling it withsuspense, building up to the laugh when the reader realizesthe punchline, that the guest from England actually crunchedher way through the shell of the unfamiliar pistachio nuts.Or tell the tale of a family tradition of eating plumpudding on Christmas day through the eyes of a child.Compare how it was to share the pudding when young to how itfeels to be the parent, passing on traditions.Write nostalgic pieces on the processed foods of yesteryear,TV dinners, road houses that faded away with theencroachment of the Interstate. Write about penny candiesincluding those before your time; let the reader relive joysof childhood. Interpret your life stories, family mythologyor future dreams through food.Humor sells. Face it, food is fun. Celebrate it. Make youressays funny as well as fun to read. Cooking with children,eating fair food, scrambling pancakes and burning throughpans may be more messy, nauseating, embarrassing andfrustrating than it is laughable when you are in the middleof it. The humor often comes from how closely readers relateto the writing. You aren't the only one who's lost threefoot-longs from the top of a ferris wheel, or caughtpancakes on fire.Jeffrey Steingarten's witty personality shines in thisopening paragraph from "Pain Without Gain," in _The Man WhoAte Everything_, and he lets his wife join in on the fun:"Last night I played the neatest trick on my wife. I grilleda slice of my best homemade French country bread, spread itthick with Promise Ultra Fat-Free nonfat margarine, set iton the counter, sat back and waited. Soon the toasty aromadrew my wife into the kitchen. Seeing the bread, she smiledbroadly and took a bite. I'll never forget the way her smilefroze, as she gagged, stumbled over to the kitchen sink, andgave up her mouthful of bread covered with Promise UltraFat-Free nonfat margarine. What fun we have together!"Write where you are. Essays allow you to enjoy food writingsuccess wherever you are. You don't have to reviewrestaurants in a specific location, nor do you have totravel to exotic locales to write up national cuisines. Walkaround your neighborhood. What is unique to your town orregion, can be unique to your writing. Church dinners,birthday parties, local diners, ethnic neighborhoods are allopen to each writer's individual interpretation.Get out there and use who you are. Your daily life is filledwith usable material. Look for the food in movies you watch,dinners you make (or just eat), your life as a chef, catereror food stylist. Do research to authenticate and enhanceyour essay.Include recipes when appropriate. Have fun. Your readerswill have fun too.Pamela White, author of "Become a Food Writer," publishes anewsletter on food writing and teaches online courses on the topic.Visit her and subscribe to the newsletter at
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